Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Our Mimi is now a Bright Shining Light

Some of my earliest memories of my Mimi was at North East Baptist Hospital where she and my mother worked as nurses. I stayed there at daycare. I remember thinking that both my Mom and Mimi were somewhere in that building doing something important, taking care of others and I felt safe.

Another early memory was going to Mimi's house on Old Ham. It was a modest place but I always liked it there because she was there. She also had this playing card machine that I loved to play with.

Not only was Mimi and my Mother nurses but my Dad's Mother, Oma was also a nurse. This had an impact on me early on, I remember because one thing I knew about nurses was that they help people who were hurt.

My Mimi, with her sisters, were three of the kindest, sweet, and positive people I knew. They lived through the Great Depression. I was listening to some things that spoke about to reach true fulfillment you have to go through challenges or hardship. I am guessing early on my Mimi and her sisters, Walden and Trudy had felt hardship as little girls. Maybe at the time, they did not realize what was exactly going on but just made the best out of the situation. All three of them have had pretty amazing lives with loving husbands and family. So I would like to imagine that going through the depression and things got better from there, they might have had the mindset that life could always be worst.

I have adopted this mindset, going through some hardship on my own, that if we make the best out of every situation, then it turns out not to be so bad. To me that is Living to the Plus. I guess you could say my Mimi instilled in me early on what true Living to the Plus means, and for that I am grateful.

I want to write now about my mother. Today she shared with me the last evening and morning of Mimi's life. I am eternally grateful my mother was able to be there for my Mimi's passing. As mentioned, my mother was also a nurse for over 40 years. She was not just a nurse but a Super Nurse, I would like to say. I have never heard a negative thing spoken of my Mother. Conversely, I have only heard how caring and helpful and hard-working my Mother is in her past career.

For the past 15 years or so, my Mother has lived blocks away from my Mimi's senior home. There probably has only been a few days over those 15 years that my mother has not gone to check and care for my Mimi. The past 5 years, has grown in taking my Mothers time, caring for her Mother. I really don't know how she does it, with this last year and weeks she is pretty much full time doing this or that for my Grandmother. This service, sacrifice, and compassion do not go un-noticed Mom. I just hope I can pay this forward as you have and care for the people I need to care for in the future.

I strive for in my career and passion to practice this dedication to service as my Mother and Mimi have their whole lives. Thank you for giving me these priceless gifts in my heart from your example. I love you both forever and back. Thank you for all the people you have helped. I will forever give of my heart and capabilities as you have. 

Rest in Peace Mimi and I hope you get some deserved rest Mom 😘😘

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